Come Si Lava I Capelli a Una Persona Allettata? How to Wash Hair for the Elderly

  • Place a cushion under the neck.
  • Place a basin under the head.
  • Wet the hair with warm water.
  • Use a low-foaming shampoo, rinse, and massage the scalp.
  • Dry with a hairdryer.
  • Protect the bed with disposable sheets.
  • Position a basin under the head.
  • Pour water on the hair, then shampoo.
  • Massage, rinse thoroughly.
  • Wrap the head in a towel and dry with a hairdryer.
  • Position the patient supine, with the head back.
  • Place a basin under the head.
  • Bathe the hair, massage the scalp with shampoo.
  • Rinse, apply conditioner, pat dry, and dry with a hairdryer.

Washing the Hair of a Bedridden Elderly Person

  • Moisten the hair with warm water and apply shampoo.
  • Massage the scalp, rinse well. Repeat if necessary.

Lifespan of a Bedridden Elderly Person

A patient who stops eating may live for a few more days. With fluids, they may survive for weeks.