Opt for sebum-normalizing, sebum-affine, and dermopurifying shampoos to prevent excess sebum on hair and scalp.
How to Style Dirty Hair
Use a mild cleansing shampoo and avoid washing hair daily. Try dry shampoo, apply purifying essential oils before washing, and dry hair with lukewarm air.
Alternatives to Dry Shampoo for Fresher Hair
Swipe a cotton pad soaked in micellar water along the hairline. Blow-dry the roots quickly.
Keeping Hair Looking Clean Without Dry Shampoo
Experiment with baby powder, coconut oil, cornstarch, blow-dryer, hairspray, and lemon juice. Opt for a style that conceals greasiness.
Remedies for Unwashed Hair Situation
Apply half a teaspoon of baking soda to the scalp and brush it through.
Avoiding Greasy Look with Talcum Powder
Dust talcum powder on the roots, massage the scalp, and brush excess powder out of hair.