Come Applicare Olio Di Rosmarino Sui Capelli? Guidelines for Using Rosemary Oil for Hair

  1. Application on Scalp

    • Apply rosemary oil by massaging it gently onto dry scalp once or twice a week until fully absorbed.
    • For sensitive skin, mix with carrier oils like coconut or jojoba to reduce the risk of irritation.
    • Can be added to shampoo and conditioner for enhanced effects.
  2. Duration of Leave-in

    • Leave the oil on for a maximum of 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
    • If you have fine and oily hair, you can reduce the leave-in time.
  3. Dosage for Hair

    • Mix 5 drops of rosemary essential oil with a carrier oil for a scalp pre-shampoo treatment.
  • Dilute rosemary essential oil in vegetable oil (such as flaxseed, sweet almond, sesame oil) at 2-10% for local application.
  • For muscular massages for athletes, higher concentrations can be used.
  • Peppermint oil, effective in prolonging the anagen phase, strengthens and lengthens hair, increases volume and density by forming more hair follicles.
  • Prepare ointments with rosemary essential oil for massages to relieve pain related to osteoarthritis or similar conditions.
  • Ideal for combating headaches and soothing circulatory disorders.