Come Togliere L’odore Di Vomito Dai Tessuti?

Prima Pulizia dopo il Vomito

  • Elimina i residui di vomito, feci e urina con carta assorbente.
  • Sciacqua la macchia dall’indumento al rovescio con acqua fredda.
  • Applica uno smacchiatore o una piccola quantità di detersivo liquido e lascia agire per 30 minuti.
  • Lava il capo alla temperatura più alta consentita.
  • Controlla che la macchia sia scomparsa e, se necessario, ripeti il lavaggio.
  • Assicurati di usare il detersivo giusto.

Pulizia dei Sedili della Macchina

Pour sparkling water onto the vomit immediately, remove residues, and clean with a mixture of hot water, vinegar, and baking soda.
Remember to clean seams and corners, as well as floor mats and floor.
For fabric and vinyl seats, use dish soap and baking soda.
Blot without rubbing and remove detergent residues with a dry cloth.
For leather, use specific products or cotton soaked in cleansing milk.
Make sure the seats are scratch or hole-free before starting.

Pulizia del Piumone dopo il Vomito

Remove coarse impurities before cleaning thoroughly.
For delicate fabrics, choose a specific detergent.
Treat stains with Dixan Liquid Anti-Odor.
After pretreating, rinse under lukewarm water and wash following the label’s instructions at the highest allowable temperature.
If the stain persists, repeat from the second step.

Pulizia degli Odori dai Divani

Sprinkle baking soda on fabric sofas and leave it on overnight before vacuuming it.
For non-removable fabrics, use dry shampoo or, for leather and upholstery, specific products.
For velvet, use a cold water and ammonia solution, followed by water and vinegar.
Clean straw parts with saltwater and let them dry in the sun.