Cosa Fare Se IQOS 3 Duo Lampeggia Rosso?

Troubleshooting IQOS Charger

When the lower red light on the charger starts blinking, reset immediately. Even if the holder blinks red, it indicates a malfunction and a reset is necessary.

Why Does My IQOS Taste Burnt?

The e-cigarette liquid is heated and evaporated, producing vapor. The usually cotton resistance absorbs the liquid, then heats up to generate vapor. When the resistance starts to wear out or when a dry wick and liquid residues overheat, a burnt taste can be noticed. If the liquid has a high concentration of vegetable glycerin (VG), the same can occur. Replace the resistance periodically to avoid this issue. Prepare the new resistance by pouring a few drops of liquid into the wick holes and on the top, insert the resistance, close the cigarette, fill the tank, and do not touch the device for 10 minutes. If the vape tastes burnt, covering the liquid flavor, it might be time to change the resistance. Even if there are liquid leaks or the device emits less vapor, replace the resistance.